Ndugu Wananchi;
Habari za jioni.
Leo tunauaga Mwaka 2010 na kuukaribisha Mwaka 2011. Kama ilivyo ada, hatuna budi kumshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu mwingi wa rehema, kwa kutujaalia uhai na kutuwezesha kuifikia siku hii adhimu. Wapo ndugu, jamaa na marafiki zetu wengi ambao hawakujaaliwa bahati hii kwa kuwa wametutangulia mbele ya haki. Tuzidi kuwaombea kwa Mwenyezi Mungu awape mapumziko mema.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Kwa namna ya kipekee mimi binafsi, namshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu kwa kunijaalia uzima na kuniwezesha kuendelea kuitumikia nchi yangu na ninyi wananchi wenzangu. Nawashukuruni sana wananchi wenzangu kwa kuendelea kuniunga mkono mimi na kuiunga mkono Serikali yetu ninayoiongoza. Mmefanya hivyo mwaka huu tunaoumaliza leo na tangu tuingie madarakani miaka mitano iliyopita mpaka sasa. Imani na upendo mliyotuonesha vimetupa faraja na ari ya kuendelea kuwatumikia kwa bidii zaidi. Nawaomba muendelee na moyo huo katika mwaka mpya tunaoukaribisha usiku wa leo. Mimi nawaahidi kuendelea kutumia vipaji vyangu vyote nilivyojaaliwa na Mwenyezi Mungu kuwatumikia wakati wote na kwa hali yoyote kama nilivyofanya mwaka huu tunaoumaliza leo na miaka ya nyuma.
Ndugu wananchi;
Mwaka 2010 ulikuwa na shughuli nyingi na mafanikio mengi licha ya kuwepo changamoto mbalimbali zilizojitokeza. Kwa ajili hiyo tunaingia mwaka 2011 tukiwa na matumaini makubwa ya kufanya vizuri zaidi.
Hali ya Usalama Nchini
Ndugu Wananchi;
Hali ya usalama wa nchi yetu ni mzuri, mipaka iko salama na hakuna tishio lolote kutoka mahali popote au watu wowote linalotia mashaka. Uhalifu umeendelea kudhibitiwa na mafanikio yamekuwa yanapatikana. Taarifa ya Jeshi la Polisi ya hivi karibuni inaonyesha kuwa matukio ya uhalifu yamepungua mwaka huu ukilinganisha na mwaka uliopita.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Ni jambo la kujivunia kwamba tumemaliza mchakato wa uchaguzi mkuu kwa amani na salama. Tulikuwa na siku 70 za kampeni, moja ya kupiga kura na siku 6 za kusubiri matokeo bila ya kuwepo matukio ya uvunjifu wa amani yanayostahili kuzungumzwa. Sehemu zetu zote mbili za Muungano kulikuwa salama na Zanzibar ndiko kulikuwa na utulivu mkubwa zaidi kuliko miaka ya nyuma.
Hakika Tanzania tumeendelea kudumisha sifa yetu ya kuwa kisiwa cha amani na utulivu. Naomba sote tujipongeze, lakini tutoe pongezi maalum kwa vyombo vyetu vya ulinzi na usalama kwa kazi kubwa na nzuri waliyoifanya mwaka huu ya kuhakikisha kuwa nchi yetu na watu wake wako salama.
Demokrasia Inazidi Kuimarika
Ndugu Wananchi, Watanzania Wenzangu;
Mwaka huu tumeshuhudia demokrasia ilivyozidi kuota mizizi, kukomaa, kustawi na kuimarika. Tumefanya Uchaguzi Mkuu wa nne chini ya mfumo wa vyama vingi kwa mafanikio makubwa. Sisi wenyewe ni mashahidi na dunia nzima ni mashahidi wa ukweli huo. Wakati tukitambua na kujipongeza kwa mafanikio haya, hatuna budi kujiwekea dhima ya kufanya mambo yetu vizuri zaidi katika chaguzi zijazo. Tufanye tathmini ya uchaguzi wetu uliopita ili tuimarishe na kudumisha yaliyo mazuri na kurekebisha yenye mapungufu.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Uchaguzi wa mwaka huu ulikuwa na ushindani mkali na nguvu ya vyama vya upinzani imeongezeka. Hili ni jambo jema kwa utawala bora na uwajibikaji nchini. Bila ya shaka Bunge litachangamka kama tunavyotarajia sote. Nimewakumbusha Mawaziri wajibu wao wa kuwa makini na kutekeleza majukumu yao kwa ufanisi zaidi Bungeni. Kwa upande wa Chama tawala hatuna budi kujipanga na kujijenga upya kwa kuzingatia mazingira mapya ya kisiasa nchini.
Ndugu Zangu, Watanzania Wenzangu;
Naomba kurudia kukumbusha kuwa uchaguzi ulishaisha Oktoba 31, 2010 na malumbano ya kampeni za uchaguzi yalimalizika wakati ule. Sasa ni wakati wa kuendelea kufanya shughuli zetu za kawaida za kujiletea maendeleo yetu wenyewe na ya nchi yetu. Kuendeleza malumbano na kuendelea kuishi kama vile kampeni za uchaguzi bado zinaendelea siyo sahihi hata kidogo.
Najua wapo baadhi ya wanasiasa na vyama vya siasa ambavyo vimepanga mikakati ya kuendeleza malumbano ya uchaguzi na kutaka Watanzania waishi kama vile nchi ipo kwenye kampeni za uchaguzi. Wamepanga wakati wote kutafuta jambo au hata kuzua jambo ili kuwachochea wananchi waichukie Serikali. Wamepanga kuchochea migomo vyuoni na maandamano ya wananchi mara kwa mara. Kwao wao huo ndiyo mkakati wa kujijenga kisiasa ili kujiandalia ushindi kwenye uchaguzi wa mwaka 2015.
Nawatanabaisha ndugu zangu myajue hayo ili msipoteze muda wenu muhimu wa kujiendeleza na kugeuzwa kuwa mbuzi wa kafara kwa ajili ya kuendeleza maslahi ya kisiasa ya watu fulani. Kwa jinsi watu hao walivyokuwa wabinafsi na wasivyokuwa na huruma na wenzao, wako tayari kuchochea ghasia bila kujali madhara yatakayowakuta watu watakaoshiriki. Wao hasa wanachotaka ni ghasia kutokea na vyombo vya dola kuingilia ati waiambie jumuiya ya kimataifa jinsi Serikali yetu ilivyo katili. Nawasihi ndugu zangu msiwasikilize wala kuwafuata wanasiasa hawa.
Nawaomba, wakiwafuata wakumbusheni kuwa wao wanazo fursa nyingi za kusema wayatakayo Bungeni na kwingineko, waache kuwatumia kama chambo au wahanga wa maslahi yao.
Uwajibikaji wa Mawaziri
Ndugu wananchi;
Tunaumaliza mwaka 2010 na kuukaribisha mwaka 2011 tukiwa na Serikali mpya yenye damu mpya nyingi na changa katika Baraza la Mawaziri. Nimejitahidi kuwapanga Mawaziri hao kwa namna ambayo wanaweza kutumia vyema maarifa yao na uzoefu wao kulisukuma kwa kasi, ari na nguvu zaidi, gurudumu la maendeleo ya nchi yetu. Nimeshakutana na kuzungumza nao wote kuhusu majukumu yao na wajibu wao.
Nimewasisitizia matumaini yangu kwao ya kuwa wachapa kazi hodari na kupiga vita rushwa, uzembe na ubabaishaji bila ya ajizi. Wawe watu waaminifu na waadilifu, watakaochukia maovu na kuyapiga vita kwa nguvu zao zote katika maeneo yao ya kazi. Wawe ni watu wenye moyo wa kuipenda nchi yetu na watu waliotayari kuitumikia kwa moyo na uwezo wao wote. Wawe karibu na watu wawasikilize na wawe wepesi kutatua shida zao. Aidha, nimewakumbusha kutambua kuwa ahadi kubwa ya CCM kwa Watanzania ni Ilani ya Uchaguzi ya mwaka 2010, hivyo wahakikishe kuwa malengo ya Ilani kuhusu maeneo yao ya uongozi wanayatambua vizuri na kuyapangia mipango thabiti ya utekelezaji na kufuatilia kwa dhati utekelezaje wake. Nafurahi kwamba Mawaziri tayari wameanza kazi kwa kasi nzuri na wengine kwa kishindo. Naomba tuendelee kuwaunga mkono na kuwasaidia.
Nidhamu ya Matumizi
Ndugu Wananchi;
Miongoni mwa mambo ambayo nimesisitiza kwa Mawaziri ni kuhakikisha kuwa wanasimamia vizuri ukusanyaji wa mapato ya Serikali na hasa nidhamu ya matumizi ya fedha na mali za umma. Tunapata mafanikio ya kutia moyo kwa upande wa ukusanya mapato. Ndugu zetu wa TRA wanastahili pongezi zetu kwa kazi waifanyayo. Pamoja na hayo hatuna budi kuongeza mapato ya Serikali maradufu juhudi zetu za kukusanya mapato, kwani mahitaji yanazidi kuongezeka wakati uwezo wa mapato hauongezeki kwa kasi hiyo hiyo.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Kwa upande wa nidhamu ya matumizi bado hatujapiga hatua ya kunifanya nipoe moyo, ingawaje kuna mafanikio yanayoendelea kupatikana. Niliwakumbusha Mawaziri kuhusu kuwepo Kamati za Matumizi ya Fedha katika kila Wizara, Idara za Serikali na Halmashauri za Wilaya na Miji ambazo niliagiza ziundwe miaka mitatu iliyopita. Niliwakumbusha kuwa, wakuu wa taasisi hizo ndio wanaoongoza Kamati hizo na hivyo wao ndiyo wanaoongoza Kamati za Wizara zao. Nimewataka wahakikishe kuwa Kamati hizo zinatekeleza ipasavyo majukumu yake ili rasilimali za taifa zifanye kazi iliyokusudiwa. Halikadhalika, niliwataka wahakikishe kuwa Kamati za Idara na Mashirika chini ya Wizara zao zinafanya kazi kwa ukamilifu.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Kwa upande wa Halmashauri za Wilaya na Miji, mwaka huu tuliendelea kuziimarisha Idara za Uhasibu na Ukaguzi wa Ndani. Tutaendelea kuhakikisha kuwa kila Halmashauri ina Wahasibu na Wakaguzi wa Ndani wenye ujuzi na sifa zinazostahili za kitaaluma, uaminifu na uadilifu.
Siku za nyuma tulishafanya uamuzi wa kumfanya Mhasibu Mkuu wa Serikali kuwa na mamlaka ya kuangalia utendaji wa shughuli za fedha katika Halmashauri za Wilaya na Miji kama aliyonayo kwa Wizara na Idara za Serikali Kuu. Mwaka huu tumeamua kuwaunganisha Wakaguzi wote wa Ndani wa Wizara na Idara za Serikali chini ya Uongozi mmoja. Aidha, tumeunda nafasi ya Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Ndani ambaye Wakaguzi wa Ndani wote wa Wizara na Idara za Serikali watakuwa chini yake na kuwajibika kwake. Yeye atahusika na uteuzi wao na kuwapangia vituo. Tumeamua, pia, kuwa Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Ndani atakuwa na mamlaka kwa Wakaguzi wa Ndani wa Halmashauri za Wilaya na Miji. Bila ya shaka hatua hii itasaidia kuimarisha uwajibikaji, nidhamu na uaminifu katika matumizi ya pesa na mali za umma.
Hali ya Uchumi
Ndugu Wananchi;
Tunaumaliza mwaka 2010 hali ya uchumi wa nchi ikiwa ni ya kuridhisha. Inaelekea athari za miaka mitatu iliyopita zilizosababishwa na misukosuko mbalimbali ya uchumi wa dunia sasa zinanza kutoweka. Tunatarajia kuwa mwaka huu uchumi utakua kwa asilimia 7 ukilinganisha na asilimia 6 ya mwaka 2009. Matumaini yetu ni kuwa mwaka 2011 uchumi utakua kwa asilimia 7.2 kama mambo yatakwenda kama tunavyotarajia.
Mfumuko wa bei nao umeshuka sana kutoka wastani wa asilimia 12.1 mwaka 2009 hadi asilimia 5.5 Novemba, 2010. Ni dhamira yetu na matarajio yetu kuwa mfumuko wa bei utaendelea kuwa chini ya hapo. Kwa ajili hiyo hatuna budi kuhakikisha kuwa hali ya ipatikanaji wa chakula nchini inaendelea kuwa nzuri.
Kilimo na Chakula
Ndugu wananchi;
Hali ya upatikanaji wa chakula nchini ilikuwa nzuri katika mwaka 2010 lakini hatuna hakika hali itakuwaje katika mwaka 2011. Tunazo sababu za kutia shaka kwa sababu ya hali ya mvua kutokuwa nzuri katika maeneo mengi hapa nchini. Maeneo mengi yanayopata mvua za vuli katika mikoa ya Pwani, Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Arusha na Manyara hali ilikuwa mbaya. Mvua zimekuwa pungufu sana na wakulima wengi hawakudiriki hata kupanda mazao. Kwa mikoa hii matumaini yetu tunayaweka kwa mvua za masika zinazotarajiwa kuanza kunyesha mwezi Machi. Tuombe kwa Mola mvua zipatikane za kutosha tunusurike na baa la njaa.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Kwa upande wa Mikoa ya Kusini Nyanda za Juu na mingineyo inayopata mvua moja kuanzia mwezi Novemba au Desemba, mvua zilichelewa kuanza kunyesha. Hivi sasa zimeanza na zinaendelea vizuri. Tuzidi kumuomba Mungu ziendelee vizuri ili taifa liwe na hakika ya akiba ya kutosha ya chakula ambayo huchangiwa kwa zaidi ya asilimia 85 na mikoa ya ukanda huu.
Wataalamu wetu wa Idara ya Hali ya Hewa wametahadharisha kuwa hata maeneo haya huenda yakapata mvua chini ya kiwango cha kawaida. Kwa ajili hiyo, niwaombe ndugu zangu wa mikoa ya Iringa, Ruvuma, Mbeya na Rukwa kuhakikisha kuwa wanazitumia vizuri mvua zinazonyesha sasa. Tukifanya hivyo athari za upungufu wa mvua tutazipunguza. Na, kwa wananchi wote kwa jumla nawaomba tuwe waangalifu katika matumizi ya akiba yetu ya chakula tuliyonayo. Wahenga walisema “tahadhari kabla ya hatari”. Tuzingatie maneno hayo ya hekima.
Hifadhi ya Chakula
Ndugu Wananchi;
Mwaka 2010 tumeamua kuongeza akiba yetu ya chakula katika Hifadhi ya Taifa ili ifikie tani 400,000 ifikapo mwaka 2015. Tumeanza safari hiyo kwa dhati. Mwaka huu tumenunua tani 200,000 na kuzihifadhi. Kwa sababu hiyo tuliongeza fedha za kununulia chakula kutoka shilingi bilioni 18.2 hadi shilingi bilioni 60.26. Tutaendelea kukuza uwezo huo mpaka tufikie lengo letu.
Pembejeo za Kilimo
Ndugu Wananchi;
Mwaka huu tumeongeza mbolea ya ruzuku na wakulima wengi zaidi watapata mbolea hiyo. Tutaendelea kufanya hivyo katika miaka ijayo kwa lengo la kuwafikia wakulima milioni 3.5 mpaka 4 miaka mitano ijayo. Aidha, tutaendelea kufuatilia na kuyatafutia ufumbuzi matatizo ya upatikanaji na hasa usambazaji wa pembejeo kwa wakulima na wafugaji. Nasikitishwa sana na taarifa za vitendo vya wizi na udanganyifu vinavyofanywa na baadhi ya mawakala wa mbolea, mbegu na dawa za kilimo na mifugo wakishirikiana na baadhi ya watumishi wa umma wa ngazi mbalimbali.
Nimewataka Mawaziri husika na hasa Wakuu wa Mikoa na Wakuu wa Wilaya na vyombo vya dola yaani Polisi na TAKUKURU kufuatilia mwenendo mzima wa usambazaji na upatikanaji wa mbolea, mbegu na dawa za ruzuku kwa wakulima na wafugaji. Wawatafute na kuwabaini wale wote wanaofanya vitendo viovu kinyume na taratibu zilizowekwa na kuwachukulia hatua za kisheria na kinidhamu. Watu hawa ni wahujumu wa uchumi, ni adui wa wakulima, wafugaji na taifa zima kwa jumla. Hawastahili na wala wasionewe huruma hata chembe.
Ndugu wananchi;
Pamoja na mikakati tuliyojiwekea ya kuboresha kilimo, tutaendelea kuwekeza na kuhamasisha uwekezaji katika sekta nyingine ambazo tunazitegemea zisaidie kukuza uchumi na kupunguza umaskini kama vile viwanda, utalii, biashara, miundombinu ya barabara, reli, bandari, umeme, maji n.k. Kwa upande wa huduma ya fedha, Serikali itaendelea kuongeza mtaji kwenye Benki ya Rasilimali Tanzania (TIB) ili irudie kuwa benki ya maendeleo na kutoa mikopo ya muda wa kati na mrefu kwa wawekezaji wetu. Ni dhamira yetu kuwa mwaka 2011 tuongeze kasi ya kuanzisha Benki ya Kilimo ili ikiwezekana ianze au matayarisho yafikie hatua nzuri ya kuweza kuanza mwaka unaofuata.
Matatizo ya Umeme
Ndugu wananchi;
Mwaka 2010 haukuwa na utulivu wa kutosha kwa upatikanaji wa umeme. Mara kadhaa kumekuwepo na matukio ya kukatika na mgao wa umeme kutokana na uharibifu wa mitambo ya kuzalisha umeme hasa katika kituo cha Songas na vituo vya TANESCO. Pamoja na hayo tatizo la msingi ni uwezo wa uzalishaji wa umeme kuwa mdogo kuliko mahitaji. Hivyo basi, hitilafu katika mtambo mmoja au kituo kimoja cha kuzalisha umeme huzua tatizo kubwa la upatikanaji wa umeme kwa nchi nzima.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Katika kukabiliana na tatizo hilo miaka mitano iliyopita, TANESCO kwa msaada wa Serikali, imeongeza uwezo wa kuzalisha umeme kwa MW 145 (MW 100 Ubungo na MW 45 Tegeta) kwa kutumia gesi asilia. Bahati mbaya mpango wa kuzalisha MW 300 kule Mtwara kwa kushirikiana na sekta binafsi, haukufanikiwa baada ya mwekezaji kushindwa kupata fedha kwa sababu ya mgogoro wa masoko ya fedha ya kimataifa. Kama tatizo hilo lisingekuwepo umeme huo ungekuwa unakamilika au kukaribia kutumika hivi sasa.
Kwa sasa TANESCO ina mipango kadhaa inayoendelea nayo ya kuongeza uzalishaji wa umeme nchini. Kwa msaada wa Serikali ndani ya miezi 12 ijayo, TANESCO itaongeza uzalishaji wa umeme kwa MW 160, (MW 100 Ubungo kwa kutumia gesi asilia na MW 60 Mwanza kwa kutumia dizeli nzito). Kwa kushirikiana na sekta binafsi pia, ndani ya miezi 36 ijayo TANESCO wanatarajia kukamilisha ujenzi wa vituo vya umeme huko Kinyerezi (MW 240) Somanga Fungu (MW 230) na Mtwara (MW 300). Inatarajiwa pia kwamba katika kipindi hicho mradi wa kuzalisha MW 200 pale Kiwira utakamilika.
Bei ya Umeme
Ndugu Wananchi;
Natambua kuwepo kwa mazungumzo, katika jamii kuhusu uamuzi wa EWURA wa kukubali ombi la Shirika la Umeme (TANESCO) kuongeza bei ya umeme. Wakati mwingine mazungumzo yamekuwa na hisia kali na hata jazba kutawala. Wizara, TANESCO na EWURA wameeleza kwa ufasaha misingi iliyotumika mpaka kufikia uamuzi huo. Sina maelezo mazuri zaidi ya hayo. Ninachotaka kusema mimi ni kuwaomba Watanzania wenzangu kutokukubali suala hili la kibiashara na kiuchumi kugeuzwa kuwa la kisiasa na kutafutiwa majawabu ya kisiasa.
Naomba tuamini na kukubali maelezo ya TANESCO na EWURA kwamba katika miaka minne hii gharama za uendeshaji, uzalishaji, usafirishaji na usambazaji wa umeme zimepanda kama zilivyopanda katika shughuli nyingine. Hivyo basi, kutaka bei ya umeme ibaki kama ilivyokuwa miaka minne iliyopita hautokuwa uamuzi sahihi kiuchumi na kibiashara kwa TANESCO. EWURA imefanya kazi nzuri ya kuchambua maombi ya TANESCO na kuyakubali yanayostahili na kuyakataa yasiyostahili kuwa sehemu ya bei. Kwa kufanya hivyo, watumiaji wa umeme wamelindwa wasibebeshwe mzigo usiostahili na Shirila la Umeme limewezeshwa ili lisiendeshe shughuli zake kwa hasara.
Mahusiano ya Kimataifa
Ndugu Wananchi;
Katika mwaka 2010 Serikali iliendelea na jitihada za kupigania na kuendeleza maslahi ya Tanzania miongoni mwa mataifa duniani na mashirika ya kimataifa na kikanda. Kazi hiyo tumeifanya kwa mafanikio na faida zake tunaziona. Tumeshuhudia kuongezeka kwa misaada ya maendeleo, kupatiwa misamaha ya madeni, kuongezeka kwa wawekezaji na mitaji kutoka nje na kuzidi kuongezeka kwa watalii. Aidha, mauzo yetu nje pamoja na mapato na akiba yetu ya fedha za kigeni navyo vimeendelea kuongezeka.
Jina la nchi yetu limeendelea kung’ara katika medani za kimataifa. Tanzania imeendelea kushirikishwa katika masuala muhimu ya kikanda na kimataifa. Kwa mfano, Rais Mstaafu, Mheshimiwa Benjamin W. Mkapa aliteuliwa na Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa kuongoza Tume ya kuangalia mchakato wa kura ya maoni ya Sudan ya Kusini itakayofanyika tarehe 9 Januari, 2011.
Katika kura hiyo, wananchi wa Sudan ya Kusini wataamua iwapo wawe taifa huru au waendelee kuwa sehemu ya Sudan kama ilivyo sasa na Wananchi wa Jimbo la Abyei watapiga kura ya kuamua wawe upande upi: Sudan Kusini au Sudan Kaskazini. Tunamtakia heri Rais Mstaafu Benjamin Mkapa ili akamilishe jukumu hilo kwa mafanikio. Wakati huo huo tunawatakia wananchi wa Sudan ya Kusini na Sudan, kwa jumla, kuendesha zoezi hilo kwa amani na salama ili watu wapate fursa ya kuamua matakwa yao kwa uhuru.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Katika mwaka huu tunaoumaliza leo Umoja wa Mataifa umetupatia heshima nyingine kubwa. Shirika la Afya Duniani limeniteua mimi na Waziri Mkuu wa Canada Mheshimiwa Stephen Harper kuwa Wenyeviti Wenza wa kuongoza Tume ya Kimataifa kuhusu Afya ya Akina Mama na Watoto. Lengo kuu la Tume hiyo ni kuzisaidia nchi zinazoendelea ziweze kutekeleza Malengo ya Milenia kuhusu kupunguza vifo vya akina mama na watoto.
Tume yetu ina kazi ya kupendekeza mfumo wa kutoa taarifa juu ya maendeleo ya afya za akina mama na watoto na kufuatilia utekelezaji wa ahadi za nchi tajiri kuzisaidia nchi masikini kukabiliana na changamoto za afya za akina mama na watoto. Aidha, tunalo jukumu la kupendekeza mfumo wa kufuatilia jinsi fedha zinazotolewa, zinavyotumika kwa malengo yaliyokusudiwa. Tunatarajia kuanza kazi Januari 2011 na kuwasilisha Ripoti yetu kwa Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa kunako Mei 2011.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Nafurahi kama tunavyofurahi wote kuwa kwa upande wa michezo, mwaka huu tumeumaliza vizuri. Timu ya Taifa ya Soka ya Tanzania Bara, Kilimanjaro Stars, imefanikiwa kushinda Kombe la Challenge kwa nchi za Afrika Mashariki na Kati baada ya kufanya hivyo mara ya mwisho miaka 16 iliyopita yaani mwaka 1993. Timu yetu ya Soka ya Wanawake, Twiga Stars, nayo kwa mara ya kwanza, iliweza kufikia fainali ya Kombe la Mataifa ya Afrika kwa Wanawake.
Hatuna budi kuyatambua na kuyaenzi mafanikio hayo tuliyoyapata. Wakati huo huo tuwatake wanamichezo wetu kuwa na ari ya kufanya vizuri zaidi. Nimetoa changamoto kwa TFF na timu yetu ya taifa kujiwekea lengo la kushiriki fainali za Kombe la Mataifa ya Afrika mwaka 2012. Wakiamua hivyo, itabidi waanze sasa kufikiria na kufanya maandalizi ya namna ya kufanikisha lengo hilo.
Napenda kutumia nafasi hii kuwahakikishia wanamichezo wote na Watanzania wenzangu, kuwa nitaendelea kuziunga mkono kwa hali na mali timu zetu zinazoshiriki michezo mbali mbali. Mwaka huu nitakuwa na mazungumzo na viongozi wa riadha ili tuelewane kuhusu namna ya kufufua michezo hiyo ambayo miaka ya nyuma ilililetea taifa letu sifa kubwa.
Maadhimisho ya Miaka 50 ya Uhuru
Ndugu Wananchi;
Mwaka mpya tunaouanza usiku wa leo una umuhimu wa kipekee katika uhai na historia ya nchi yetu. Tarehe 9 Desemba 2011 nchi yetu itatimiza miaka hamsini ya Uhuru wa Tanzania Bara. Haya si mafanikio madogo hata kidogo. Ni mafanikio makubwa sana ambayo hatuna budi kuyafurahia na kuyasherekea kwa uzito unaostahili.
Katika miaka 50 ya Uhuru wetu tumefanya mambo mengi mazuri ya kujivunia katika nyanja mbalimbali. Tumedumisha uhuru na umoja wa nchi yetu. Kwa hakika hali yetu ilivyo leo kisiasa, kiutamaduni, kiuchumi, kijamii, kiusalama na kimaendeleo kwa jumla, ni tofauti sana na hali ilivyokuwa wakati Tanzania Bara inapata uhuru wake tarehe 9 Desemba, 1961. Natambua pia kwamba katika miaka 50 hii, nchi yetu na watu wake wamekumbana na kukabili changamoto nyingi. Zipo nyingi tulizoziweza na zipo ambazo tunaendelea kuzikabili na tunayo mipango thabiti ya kuhakikisha tunafanikiwa.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Kwa kutambua umuhimu wa aina yake wa maadhimisho ya mwaka huu ya siku ya Uhuru wa Tanzania Bara tarehe 9 Desemba, 2011, tumekubaliana na viongozi wenzangu Serikalini kuwa tusherehekee siku hiyo kwa uzito unaostahili.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Tumekubaliana pia, tufanye mambo manne muhimu katika maadhimisho hayo. Kwanza, nautangaza mwaka 2011 kuwa ni Mwaka wa Maadhimisho ya Miaka Hamsini ya Uhuru wa Tanzania Bara. Kilele chake kitakuwa tarehe 9 Desemba, 2011 ambapo kutafanyika sherehe kubwa na za aina yake nchi nzima ambapo wananchi watashirikishwa kwa ukamilifu.
Pili, tufanye tathmini ya kina ya mafanikio tuliyoyapata, katika juhudi zetu za kujiletea maendeleo katika miaka hamsini hii. Kila Wizara, idara na taasisi za Serikali na hata sekta binafsi zifanye tathmini ya eneo lake. Tathmini hizo ziandikwe katika vitabu ili kuhifadhi kumbukumbu hizo muhimu kwetu na kwa vizazi vijavyo. Vitabu na nyaraka hizo vitakuwa kumbukumbu zenye manufaa makubwa kwa wenzetu watakaokuwepo mwaka 2061 wakati wa kusherehekea miaka 100 ya Uhuru wa Tanzania Bara. Itarahisisha kazi yao ya kufanya tathmini wakati huo.
Tatu, kwamba yafanyike maonyesho maalum katika Uwanja wa Maonyesho wa Julius Nyerere hapa Dar es Salaam na kote mikoani kwenye viwanja vya maonyesho, kuelezea mafanikio yaliyopatikana katika nyanja mbalimbali katika miaka 50 tangu Uhuru wa Tanzania Bara.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Jambo la nne ambalo tulilokubaliana kufanya ni kuanzisha mchakato wa kuitazama upya Katiba ya Nchi yetu kwa lengo la kuihuisha ili hatimaye tuwe na Katiba inayoendana na taifa lenye umri wa nusu karne. Katiba yetu ya sasa tuliyoachiwa na waasisi wa taifa letu, imeifanyia nchi yetu mambo mengi mazuri na kuifikisha Tanzania na Watanzania hapa tulipo. Tunayo nchi moja huru, ya kidemokrasia na inayoendesha mambo yake kwa kuzingatia utawala wa sheria, kuheshimu haki za binadamu na mgawanyo wa madaraka miongoni mwa mihimili mikuu ya dola. Nchi yenye amani, utulivu na watu wake ni wamoja, wanaopendana na kushirikiana na maendeleo yanazidi kupatikana.
Pamoja na hayo, mwaka 2011, nchi yetu inatimiza miaka 50 ya Uhuru wa Tanzania Bara, miaka 47 ya Mapinduzi matukufu ya Zanzibar na miaka 47 ya Muungano wa nchi zetu mbili. Yapo mabadiliko mengi yaliyotokea katika nyanja mbalimbali za maisha ya nchi yetu na watu wake katika kipindi hiki. Kwa ajili hiyo ni vyema kuwa na Katiba inayoendana na mabadiliko na matakwa na hali ya sasa. Katiba ambayo italipeleka taifa letu miaka 50 ijayo kwa salama, amani, umoja na kuwepo maendeleo makubwa zaidi.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Ndiyo maana tukaamua kuanzisha mchakato huu na kwa ajili hiyo, nimeamua kuunda Tume maalum ya Katiba, yaani Constitutional Review Commission. Tume hiyo itakayoongozwa na Mwanasheria aliyebobea, itakuwa na wajumbe wanaowakilisha makundi mbalimbali katika jamii yetu kutoka pande zetu mbili za Muungano. Jukumu la msingi la Tume hiyo litakuwa ni kuongoza na kuratibu mchakato utakaowashirikisha wananchi wote bila kubagua, vyama vya siasa, wanasiasa, wafanyabiashara, asasi za kiraia, mashirika ya dini, wanataaluma na makundi mbalimbali ya watu wa nchi yetu kote nchini, katika kutoa maoni yao juu ya wayatakayo kuhusu Katiba ya nchi yao.
Baada ya kukamilisha kukusanya maoni, Tume itatoa mapendekezo yake yatakayofikishwa kwenye vyombo stahiki vya Kikatiba kwa kufanyiwa maamuzi. Baada ya makubaliano kufikiwa, taifa letu litapata Katiba mpya kwa siku itakayoamuliwa ianze kutumika.
Ndugu Wananchi;
Ni matumaini yangu kuwa mchakato huo utaendeshwa vizuri, kwa amani na utulivu kama ilivyo sifa ya nchi yetu na mazoea yetu ya kujadiliana bila kugombana. Wananchi watapewa fursa ya kutosha ya kutoa maoni yao kwa uhuru na pawepo kuvumiliana kwa hali ya juu pale watu wanapotufautiana kwa mawazo. Pasiwepo kutukanana, kudharauliana, kushutumiana, kubezana, kuzomeana wala kushinikizana. Naomba washiriki waongozwe kwa hoja badala ya jazba. Tukiwa na jazba, hasira na kushinikizana kamwe hatutaweza kutengeneza jambo jema. Na inapohusu Katiba ya Nchi itakuwa hasara tupu. Haitakuwa endelevu na kulazimika kufanyiwa marekebisho mengi mwanzoni tu baada ya kutungwa.
Nawaomba Watanzania wenzangu wenye maoni yao wajiandae kushiriki kwa ukamilifu katika mchakato huu. Katoeni maoni yenu mazuri yatakayowezesha nchi yetu kuwa na Katiba itakayokidhi matakwa yetu ya sasa na ya miaka 50 ijayo.
Ndugu Wananchi, Watanzania Wenzangu;
Napenda kumalizia salamu zangu za Mwaka mpya kwa kumshukuru tena Mwenyezi Mungu kwa rehema zake alizotujaalia mwaka 2010. Tuendelee kumuomba atujaalie baraka tele katika Mwaka ujao wa 2011: Tumuombe nchi yetu iendelee kuwa ya amani na utulivu, watu wake waendelee kuwa wamoja, wanaopenda na kushirikiana, uchumi wetu uendelee kustawi, tupate mvua za kutosha na neema ziwe tele kila mahali.
Kwa furaha na matumaini makubwa nawatakia heri na fanaka katika mwaka mpya 2011. Namtakia kila mmoja wetu mafanikio mema katika shughuli zake za kujiletea maendeleo na kuendeleza hali yake ya maisha.
Mwisho, kabisa nawaomba tuukaribishe na kuusherehekea Mwaka mpya kwa usalama na amani. Heri ya Mwaka Mpya!! Happy New Year!!
Mungu Ibariki Afrika!
Mungu Ibariki Tanzania!
Ahsanteni kwa kunisikiliza.
Hii ni globu iliyovumbuliwa nchini Uganda inajaribu kukazia matumizi ya lugha ya kiswahili na kuhabarishana kuhusu maswala mbalimbali ya kijamii hasa katika ukanda wa Afrika Mashariki na kat na kwingineko. Siasa na mambo ya michezo na kijamii kwa ujumla ndio itakayokuwa mada kuu hapa.Nitakaribisha maoni yenu.
My Blog List
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pichani ni Mheshimiwa Chenge akifurahia baada ya kuhukumiwa. Picha nyingine ni ndugu wa Mheshimiwa wakihesabu mahela kulipa faini ya kiasi cha shilingi 700,000/= za kitanzania ili kuepuka kwenda lupango miaka mitatu baada ya kukutwa na kosa la: 1.KUENDESHA GARI BILA UANGALIFU
Utawala wa sheria na haki umetimiza wajibu wake. Mungu Ibariki Tanzania
Chama cha Cuf kimekuja na rasimu yake ya katiba. Hivi kama kila mtu ataandaa rasimu, sasa si ina maana tunahitaji tu kufanya tu "comparative analysis" alafu tuweke viraka hii ya sasa ya 1977?
there are four types of leaders in our country:
1. Those who have no knowlewdge but went to school to gain some.
2. those who have wisdom but no knowledge
3. those who have no knowledge or wisdom
4. those who have knowledge and wisdom
Our country has plenty of type one and three. No wonder the country is in such a mess
1. Those who have no knowlewdge but went to school to gain some.
2. those who have wisdom but no knowledge
3. those who have no knowledge or wisdom
4. those who have knowledge and wisdom
Our country has plenty of type one and three. No wonder the country is in such a mess
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

At last President Jakaya Kikwete has appointed Mr Justice Mohamed Chande Othman the new Chief Justice. He succeeds Mr Justice Augustino Ramadhani, who is stepping down after attaining the compulsory retirement age of 65 this month.
The new CJ assumes office at a time when the Judiciary is facing many challenges. Not that there have not been any challenges before, but his predecessor tried as much as possible to solve some of them.
For instance, the outgoing CJ tried to bridge the gap between the legislature, executive and judiciary because these three arms of government should work together for the benefit of all Tanzanians.
He also improved the remuneration of judges, magistrates and other court staff. These improvements are besides the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) for efficient dispensation of justice. As the new CJ steps into the shoes of his predecessor, we hope that he will complete the work the latter started but could not accomplish fully.
The challenges currently facing the judiciary include the environment in which magistrates work. Court buildings, including remand rooms, are old and dilapidated and lack adequate facilities such as toilets for staff members and remandees.
But perhaps the most challenging task the new CJ will face is the delay of cases, which has been an endemic problem in the judicial system for a long time.
Although the delays cannot be blamed exclusively on the judiciary, as a result of the involvement of other players such as the police and hospitals, it shoulders most of it.
The new CJ will have to ensure that roles played by such institutions are facilitated and that there are no undue delays in dispensation of justice. For, as it is well known, justice delayed is justice denied.
We welcome Mr Justice Othman’s appointment and wish him the best as he faces these challenges.

PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete (second right) swears-in Mr Mohamed Chande Othman as the new Chief Justice at the State House in Dar es Salaam on Monday. Right is outgoing Chief Justice, Mr Augustino Ramadhani, while second left is the Chief Secretary, Mr Philemon Luhanjo.
STRENGTHENING primary courts is new Chief Justice Mohamed Chande Othman’s priority because such institutions attend to thousands of people seeking justice from culprits.
Justice Othman said soon after his swearing-in ceremony which was presided over by President Jakaya Kikwete at the State House in Dar es Salaam on Monday, that primary courts are a reflection of the country’s justice system hence the need to improve them.
“As leader of the justice system, my priority is to ensure that justice is delivered on time,” Justice Othman pointed out. He noted that primary courts are ill furnished and lack personnel including qualified magistrates to deliver quality justice to people.
Justice Othman, who was until his latest appointment Appeal Court Judge, faces an uphill task of pushing the executive to give the judiciary a separate vote in the annual national budget which lags far behind other organs of the state in sums allocated.
Because of poor budget allocation, primary courts are badly equipped with both manpower and equipment which has led to delays in disposing of cases and widespread corruption among poorly paid court officials.
“We want to strengthen the primary courts by providing qualified magistrates and infrastructure,” CJ Othman noted.
He paid tribute to his predecessor for having strengthened relations between the judiciary and other two pillars of the state, the executive and parliament.
Vice-President Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal, House Speaker Anne Makinda and Prime Minister, Mizengo Pinda attended the brief colourful ceremony held at Ikulu. Retired CJ Augustino Ramadhani said the High Court has significantly improved in both the number of judges and their remuneration over the past five years.
Justice Ramadhani gave an example of the Court of Appeal which had 11 judges when he took over in 2007 but now has 15 judges including the new CJ.
Justice Ramadhani, however, pointed out that Othman has his job portion allocated because the judiciary is under staffed, ill equipped and struggling at all levels from primary courts to Appeal Court of Tanzania in dispensing justice.
“We are on the right track but the new Chief Justice has a lot of work to improve the judiciary,” Ramdhani who is the shortest reigning Tanzanian CJ to stay in office, said.
Ramadhani’s predecessor, Justice Barnabas Samatta also attended Othman’s swearing-in ceremony.
The 58 year old Othman becomes the fifth Tanzanian national to serve as CJ after Augustino Saidi (1970/77), Francis Nyalali (1977/2000), Barnabas Samatta (2000/7) and Augustino Ramdhani (2007/10). Between 1961 and 1970, two foreigners occupied the position.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Nataka tujadili kauli za Dr. Hosea akikanusha aliyowahi kusema na kunukuliwa kwenye "Wikileaks", na leo amenukuliwa akisema:
1. Soma kauli hii alafu unipe ina maana gani au unaielewaje?
Dr Hoseah added that what he said was that the President was not willing to allow prosecutions of key government officials or anybody basing on hearsay or weak evidence, because in so doing, the government would risk paying a heavily in damages if the accused persons would win the cases before the court of law.
2.Je una imani na maneno haya?
“My record as the head of PCCB is very clear; whenever we had enough evidence against suspects accused of corruption, we didn’t fear, but moved to take the accused persons to court regardless of their power or affluent,” he said.
3. Je ni kweli amenukuliwa vibaya?
Reacting to the leaked US Embassy cables, Dr Hoseah said: “While it is true that the named US official visited my office in July, 2007, his report which, he then filed back to his country is misleading, was written out of context.”
1. Soma kauli hii alafu unipe ina maana gani au unaielewaje?
Dr Hoseah added that what he said was that the President was not willing to allow prosecutions of key government officials or anybody basing on hearsay or weak evidence, because in so doing, the government would risk paying a heavily in damages if the accused persons would win the cases before the court of law.
2.Je una imani na maneno haya?
“My record as the head of PCCB is very clear; whenever we had enough evidence against suspects accused of corruption, we didn’t fear, but moved to take the accused persons to court regardless of their power or affluent,” he said.
3. Je ni kweli amenukuliwa vibaya?
Reacting to the leaked US Embassy cables, Dr Hoseah said: “While it is true that the named US official visited my office in July, 2007, his report which, he then filed back to his country is misleading, was written out of context.”
Monday, December 20, 2010
Maskini wafanyabiashara kila kukicha wanahangaika kujua wapi watapata fedha. Sasa wagonjwa wa Ukimwi wanatarajia kushindwa kumudu dawa zao kwani kuna makubaliano ya kibiasha kati ya India na Jumuiya ya Ulaya yanakuja kudhibiti uuzaji kiholela wa dawa hizo. Inatarajiwa dawa hizo zitauzwa ghali, tuombe Mungu aepushe mbali.
Lingine juu ya wafanyabiasha, eti Tanesco imeruhusiwa kuongeza bei ya umeme. Bado umeme ni wa wasiwasi, sasa tujue hii nyongeza ya bei ya umeme ni kwa ajili ya tumbo za vigogo wa Tanesco, au kuhudumia matumizi ya kisiasa ya chama fulani au nini? Mimi nashindwa kumuelewa huyu jamaa wa Ewura hivi katika kupokea maombi ya Tanesco aliwahoji juu ya huduma zao? Kwanini nchi hii tumefika hapa? Yaani hatujali unyonge wa wananchi wengi wa nchi hii? Kwanini jamani? Is this fair?
Hili lingine, hebu angalia wanavyoiibia nchi hii alafu wakisemwa wanachukia.
Lingine juu ya wafanyabiasha, eti Tanesco imeruhusiwa kuongeza bei ya umeme. Bado umeme ni wa wasiwasi, sasa tujue hii nyongeza ya bei ya umeme ni kwa ajili ya tumbo za vigogo wa Tanesco, au kuhudumia matumizi ya kisiasa ya chama fulani au nini? Mimi nashindwa kumuelewa huyu jamaa wa Ewura hivi katika kupokea maombi ya Tanesco aliwahoji juu ya huduma zao? Kwanini nchi hii tumefika hapa? Yaani hatujali unyonge wa wananchi wengi wa nchi hii? Kwanini jamani? Is this fair?
Hili lingine, hebu angalia wanavyoiibia nchi hii alafu wakisemwa wanachukia.

Usiku kuamkia leo wale wanaoaminika kuwa magaidi wa Al Shabab wamefanya shambulizi la guruneti jijini Nairobi. Aliyelipua bomu ni msafiri ambaye alikuwa akisafiri kwenda Kampala na alitokea Tanzania, "KISIWA CHA AMANI" kupitia mpaka wa "Laiktoktok" huko Rombo Mtu mmoja alikufa hapohapo. Habari zaidi kwa hisani ya The Standard la Kenya:
A suspected grenade blast tore into the side of a Kampala-bound bus in the heart of Nairobi Monday, killing three people and injuring over 30.
A man, suspected to have been carrying the explosive device was pronounced dead at Kenyatta National Hospital while two other people died while undergoing treatment at MP Shah Hospital, by the time of going to press.
A Dr Peter Wanyoike told The Standard that 37 people were admitted and three had been discharged. The incident occurred shortly before 8pm at the junction of Nduruma and River roads in Nairobi, as the bus prepared to leave for Uganda’s capital city, Kampala.
The brand new bus is part of a fleet belonging to Kampala Coach. A witness at the scene claimed the source of the explosion was a carton carried by one of the passengers that was being inspected before it was loaded onto the bus.
The blast occurred as passengers were lining up to board the bus. The company’s buses are popular with Kenyan students and traders travelling to Kampala because of their efficiency. At the time of going to press, it was not clear whether Kenyans were among those injured, but one person was confirmed dead by police.
Police said the dead man who was wearing blue jeans was believed to be carrying the suspected grenade that exploded while security officers at the entrance to the bus was screening him. His body was later preserved as investigations over his identity were launched.
While a terrorist link was not confirmed, the blast came on the back of a warning by Uganda’s police force Monday urging the public to be vigilant after militants believed to be linked to Al Shabaab of Somalia said they would carry out terror attacks in Kampala and Burundi’s capital Bujumbura. No mention was made of Kenya.
It was therefore not clear whether the blast was linked to the threat, or if indeed it was a terrorist attack. The Al Shabaab is a Somalia Islamist group linked to terror group Al Qaeda, and claimed responsibility for the July 11 bombings in Kampala that left 80 people dead and others injured. Those attacked then were revellers watching a Fifa World Cup finals match.
At the time, Al Shabaab said the attack was in revenge for Uganda’s decision to deploy its troops as part of an African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia known as AMISON. Burundi troops are also part of AMISON.
Monday’s warning was issued by Mr Idi Sekumbi, spokesman for the Kampala Metropolitan Police who was quoted as saying: "I would like to inform the public that these warnings are becoming constant and that it is incumbent upon all of us to take serious measures to make sure that these people do not have a lee way of penetrating us again." According to the bus conductor, Mr Hussein Abdulaziz, the bus was supposed to leave at 7.30 pm, but was delayed.
"The bus had arrived late and the passengers were scrambling to get in as we screened them. In the confusion, there was an explosion before I saw at least six people lying here," said Abdulaziz.
The conductor added that the dead man is believed to have been carrying the explosive that went off because his stomach was completely ripped off.
Abdulaziz said there were about 20 passengers who had boarded by then and others were still being screened when the explosion went off. The bus had booked 45 passengers including the crew. Commissioner of police Mathew Iteere, director general of NSIS Michael Gichangi, GSU commandant William Saiaya were among the first senior police officers who arrived at the scene minutes after the explosive went off. Iteere later told the media that the dead man is the one who was carrying the explosive, but added that he was yet to know the nature.
"We can confirm that one person died and we believe he is the one who was carrying the explosive. Our experts are working on the scene to know more," said Iteere.
The man’s fingerprints were immediately taken and rushed to the Registrar of Persons to confirm his identity, which was expected by midnight.
Iteere said the damage could have been more serious and devastating had the bomber managed to detonate the suspected grenade after boarding. Among those seriously injured was a woman whose legs were badly cut in the incident.
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Huko Ivory Coast uchaguzi ni fujo tu, juzi hapa kwetu Tanzania tulishuhudia vitisho vikitolewa na jenerali mmoja wa jeshi la ulinzi kabla ya uchaguzi.Wengi tulishangaa hivi ilikuwa ni kazi ya jeshi kuzungumzia usalama wa raia ama Polisi?
Jirani zetu Uganda wanajiandaa kwa uchaguzi, kwao, Ulinzi wakati wa uchaguzi si kazi ya jeshi, soma zaidi juu ya hili kwa mujibu wa kamanda hapo juu.
Friday, December 17, 2010

Kwa Moreno Ocampo anajua kabisa kupata chanzo cha umafia nchini Kenya anza kwa mtu ndani ya Ikulu ambaye inavyoonekana Katibu Mkuu wa Raisi Kenya alikuwa anadhani yeye ni untouchable. Hebu soma alivyojisikia baada ya kuwa miongoni mwa watuhumiwa sita wa ICC:
Courtesy of The Standard la Kenya:
Ocampo's blot on Muthaura’s enviable public service career
Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura is one man who knows all that goes down or up within Government.
He is the nerve centre of the Public Service and acts as the link between President Kibaki and the rest of the Government.
And he goes by many titles: Head of Civil Service, Secretary to the Cabinet, and Secretary to the Presidency.
For all the powers he has enjoyed even during the 2007/2008 post-election crisis period, few expected his name would be on the list of suspects the International Criminal Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo wants tried for crimes against humanity.
Ambassador Muthaura must have been at a loss when he heard Mr Moreno-Ocampo read out his name on Wednesday."The suggestion that I have done anything to warrant criminal investigation is manifest nonsense. It amounts to an unwarranted slur on my reputation and is both unfair and unjustified," was how he reacted to the news.But what was Moreno-Ocampo after by naming Muthaura? That is the million-dollar question, and the first answer that comes to mind is that the Chief Prosecutor was basically trying to hit at the nerve centre of the Government.
But what powers does Muthaura hold in his hands? Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura has had an illustrious career in Government beginning as a DO and rising up the ranks including serving as country representative in foreign countries.
As Head of Public Service and Secretary to the Cabinet, Muthaura is at the top of the administrative hierarchy, and all senior public servants including State House officials, Police and Provincial Administration chiefs report to him.
He also chairs meetings for Permanent Secretaries and thus wields a lot of influence in all Government ministries. Muthaura chairs the National Security Advisory Committee and this is the organ Moreno-Ocampo claims the Head of the Civil Service used to play a role during the violence. The committee acts as a central intelligence-sharing unit, whose role is to advise and co-ordinate security measures within the country.
Its membership is drawn from intelligence committees, Provincial Administration as well as other security agencies.Muthaura is one person who has access to the President at will.He has enjoyed an illustrious career and his inclusion in the list of ICC suspects must be one of the saddest moments: if the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II judges do summon him to The Hague, it has the potential of ending an enviable career with a bad send-off.Calls premature President Kibaki has already put his foot down and said the ICC case has not yet begun, and thus calls for Muthaura and other officials to leave office were premature.
According to the prosecutor, Muthaura as chairman and member of the National Security Committee was responsible for ensuring the implementation of decisions of the committee, and directing the provincial and district security committees on strategic and operational matters.
"By virtue of his position in the security committee, Muthaura exercised additional authority over (former Police Commissioner Hussein) Ali and the Kenyan Police Forces," alleged Moreno-Ocampo.He added that in their positions as chairman and member of the committee, Muthaura and Mr Ali had formal access to intelligence gathered through a vertical structure organised from the ground level (district and provincial levels) all the way up to the central level.
The Cabinet Secretary is not new to controversy, and in 2008 caused a stir in the newly formed Grand Coalition Government when he sent out a memo asserting that the Vice-President was the principal assistant to the President.The memo dated August 15, and copied to the PM, also put the running of some ministries, including hiring and firing function, in the hands of PSs. Ministers from ODM, who wanted the PM to have more say in the running of ministries, protested at the memo, which they said attempted to put control of ministries in the hands of Permanent Secretaries. Some read this as an attempt to clip the wings of the PM and to slow his duties as enshrined in the Constitution.
Humble officer
Muthaura, a career civil servant and diplomat in the Kanu regime, was appointed to head the civil service in 2003 and soon emerged as one of the powerful faces around the President.For a man who rose from a humble DO and served in various positions both in the country and abroad, Moreno-Ocampo’s move to list him as one of the suspects of the post-election violence is certainly not the best Christmas gift the 64-year-old wished for.

Maj Gen (Rtd) Hussein Ali learnt from the media he was among the six men accused of masterminding and perpetrating post election violence.He denied claims that he developed and executed a plan to attack perceived ODM supporters.
“This appointment is particularly surprising because I have not been invited by the said prosecutor to provide any details relating to these matters as one would expect of a professional prosecutor,” he said in a statement.
The former police boss said he acted professionally, diligently and in accordance with the law.He also defended officers who served under him, saying they protected lives and property against those who wanted to cause destruction “for ethnic and political motives.”
He added: “I’ve no doubt whatsoever that when the facts are presented to any competent court, these allegations will be found to have no basis in fact at all.”
The former police boss is currently the Postmaster-General, and was the first outsider to run the police.
UNAZIJUA - Guerrilla Trucks: The Toyota Hilux?

Ni gari zinazosifiwa sana hapa Afrika kwa kupiga mzigo. Lakini kwa wengine zina kazi nyingi katika kumaliza roho za wenzao. Jamaa mmoja kafanya uchunguzi kwanini hizi gari zinapendwa sana?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yumo aliyekuwa IGP wa Kenya Generali Hussein Ally, alafu kubwa zaidi yuko KATIBU MKUU KIONGOZI, Francis Muthaura, hawa wawili ni kutokana na kutumia madaraka vibaya. Je walifanya nini? Walitumikia matakwa ya wanasiasa au walitumikia sheria iliyokuwa inawapa madaraka? Kwa watu wote walio madarakani hii ni tahadhari tunapofanya jambo lenye msukumo wa kisiasa, mara nyingi inatutokea puani wakati wanasiasa wanabakia huru. Hii inanikumbusha zile kelele za Generali Shimbo wakati tukielekea kwenye uchaguzi.
Lakini pia wanahabari ni miongoni mwa watuhumiwa.
Hebu fuatilia habari kamili:
Francis Muthaura
As the head of the civil service, Muthaura has been the nerve center of Kenya’s public service. He has held several senior positions in government before finally rising to the pinnacle of the public service.
He has worked as District Officer (DO) in Mombasa district, Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kenya’s diplomatic missions in New York and Brussels, Under Secretary and Head of Economic division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He has also been the Kenya’s Ambassador to Belgium, Luxemburg and European Community, Kenya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), New York, Secretary General and East African Cooperation.
He has served as the PS in the Ministry of Transport and Communication, Environment and Natural Resources, Provincial Administration and National Security in the Office of the President (OP).
He is one of those who received regular intelligence briefs on the possible violence that would break out. He is also accused of having attended a meeting at State House that planned retaliation in Naivasha.
William Ruto
His political history can be described as meteoric, having risen from relative obscurity in the 1990’s to a position of significance within a short period.
Enjoying a near fanatic following among supporters from his ethnic Kalenjin community, Ruto, 44, considers himself fit to be president.
The deputy ODM leader is remembered for his vehement opposition to the plan by the chairman of the disbanded Electoral Commission of Kenya Samuel Kivuitu to announce the results for the presidential election in 2007 because ODM believed they were not true. one point during Kivuitu’s attempt to announce the final result at a media briefing at KICC’s Aberdare room, Ruto, who had got hold of a microphone, told Kivuitu: "We have a different tally of the results from Molo other than the one you have read. You cannot continue reading results which are not real!"
Ruto’s name was linked to the post election violence by a report that was prepared by the Kenya National Human Rights Commission.
The suspended Higher Education Minister has been fighting to exonerate himself from the accusations in the report.
Uhuru Kenyatta
Before 1997, Uhuru only claim to fame rested on the fact that he is the son of Kenya’s founding President, Jomo Kenyatta.
Uhuru’s entry into national politics began in 1997 as the chairman of the Gatundu branch of Kanu, with the tacit approval of former president Moi,
In the General Election held in December of the same year, Uhuru contested the Gatundu parliamentary seat, which he lost to little known Nairobi architect, Moses Mwihia. Uhuru then quit politics and retreated to obscurity.
In 1999, Moi appointed Uhuru as the chairman of the Kenya Tourist Board, and in 2001 he was nominated to Parliament. He was subsequently made a Cabinet Minister, and later elected vice chairman of Kanu.
In the 2002 elections, Moi saw to it that Uhuru became the presidential candidate for Kanu. However, Kanu lost the elections. In the 2007 elections, he chose to support President Kibaki.
Central Kenya politicians have been fronting the Finance Minister as a successor to President Kibaki when his term comes to an end in 2012.
Maj-Gen (Rtd) Hussein Ali
He is a former military commander who was moved to head the police force in 2004 while at the rank of brigadier.
Born in Eldoret in 1956, Ali joined the Kenya Army in 1977 finally rising to the rank of Brigadier in 2003, a year before he was appointed to head the Kenya Police force.
During his military career he served as a military attachÈ in Zimbabwe and Uganda, and was commanding officer of the Western Brigade. He also at various times headed the Kenya Army Paratrooper Battalion, and the Air Cavalry regiment in Embakasi. He is also a former chairman of the Ulinzi Stars football club.
He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in 2005 and finally Major General in 2005.
It was during his tenure that the post election violence occurred resulting in the death of more than 1000 people. The police force is accused of killing at least 400 people out of the total number of those who died during the chaos.
He has never spoken publicly about the ICC investigations but those close to him reveal that he has been closely monitoring the process.
Henry Kosgey
Kosgey is like the dinosaur of Kenyan politics. He has spent most of his adult life serving as a Cabinet Minister. From1979 when he was appointed as a minister, it was only for less than ten years that Kosgey has stayed out of Cabinet-between 1988-1992 and between 2002 and 2007.
He is one of the longest serving political leaders in the country having won six successive parliamentary elections.
The Tinderet MP has only spent one term out of Parliament after he was tossed out in the infamous 1988 mlolongo election.
He succeeded powerful and fiery Nandi politicians Jean Marie Seroney and former Senator Gerald Nathaniel Kalya after he rode on the whims of the then power brokers let by former nominated MP Ezekiel Barngetuny to become MP for Tinderet.
Despite the smooth ride he has enjoyed as an influential leader in local politics, Kosgey’s influence in Rift valley has been waning since suspended Higher Education Minister William Ruto came on to the scene. And as if by chance, both Kosgey and Ruto have now been named as suspects by Ocampo.
Joshua arap Sang
Kass FM presenter Joshua arap Sang honed his journalistic skills in Eldoret. He first joined and worked for Christian Radio and Television network Sauti Ya Rehema (Sayare RTV) based in Eldoret for five years.
After Sayare, Sang then moved to Bibilia Husema Broadcasting from 2003 to 2005 before joining the newly established Kass FM media station in Nairobi. Apart from being presenter, Sang was appointed head of studio.
Sang, who hails from Cherangany constituency, attended Kitale Academy Secondary School and later joined the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC).
In the 2007 General Elections, Sang had expressed interest to vie for the Cherangany constituency’s parliamentary seat currently held by Joshua Kutuny.
Sang, who made inroads into the constituency prior to the polls is said to have been prevailed upon to drop his bid for a later date.
It is his morning show dubbed lene met (what is the world saying) that has earned him the wrath of people and institutions who accuse him of rubbing them the wrong way.

Read about how he rose from a poor family up to the level that all the African despots apart from President Khama of Botswana fear him and they don't like to hear him. His story goes like this:
The lover of horses who spots a graying beard and Groucho Marx eyebrows has been variously described as prosecutor without borders, the world’s law man and crimes fighter.
International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo rose from a carpenter to probably the most powerful prosecutor in the world.
As a young man, he funded his legal studies by working as a carpenter after his family faced financial difficulties.
The former carpenter is now at the centre of a judicial battle that might end the careers of key politicians in Kenya, mark a dramatic turning point in the war against impunity and ensure justice for victims of the 2008 post-election violence.
As a young lawyer, he made a name — and fortune — by taking up corruption cases, extensively making use of secret cameras.
During the time, Mr Moreno-Ocampo represented some of Argentina’s wealthiest women in family disputes before he became “the lawyer of the powerful”.
When elected ICC prosecutor in 2003, he promised a “sexy court” that would dispense “swift and telegenic justice”.
Indeed, he cuts the image of a resolute prosecutor and ebullient, but calculating optimistic, ready to bring down the untouchable in his effort to slay impunity.
“When I was elected, some people told me I would only be able to bring frivolous cases,” he said in a Newsweek interview.
In support of his battle against the high and mighty, Mr Moreno-Ocampo has consistently stated that he does not have the “luxury to look away”.
Though he does not have a policeman to enforce his decisions or those of the judges, he has expressed a rare zeal to succeed in his mission.
“I’m a stateless prosecutor — I have more than 100 states under my jurisdiction and zero policemen,” he once told The New York Times.
A former aide says that while not travelling across the world to convince governments to enforce the Rome Statute, the prosecutor stays late in his office “tearing up and re-working texts.”
He has already vowed to use Kenya as a world example on how to fight impunity. And if his record is anything to go by, there is certainly convincing evidence that the violence barons will have their day at the International Criminal Court.
Mr Moreno Ocampo has always been enthusiastic to take on the rich and powerful. But his detractors paint him as an arrogant, ill-informed publicity seeker and high-handed administrator.
“The prosecutor is erratic, so irrational. He uses his charisma in a negative way,” says a former ICC investigator.

Huyu bwana ndiye mvumbuzi wa FACEBOOK - USOKITABU.Naamini karibu kila mtu anayejua maisha ya kisasa na mabadiliko ya kiteknolojia anajua matumizi ya teknolojia hii. Jarida la kila wiki la TIME nchini Marekani limemtangaza kuwa ndiye mtu bora wa mwaka kwa kugusa maisha ya watu ulimwenguni
Mimi naamini ni kweli kagusa maisha ya watu na mimi pia.
Mhariri wa TIME anasema ni kwanini amemchagua huyu dogo kuwa mtu bora wa mwaka na kuwaacha watu maarufu kama vile JULIAN ASANGE yule jamaa aliyewaweka uchi wanadiplomasia kwa kuweka wazi mambo yao ya kijasusi katika nchi mbalimbali.
Katika jarida la wiki hii la jana kwa nje lina picha kubwa ya Mark Zuckerberg
On the afternoon of Nov. 16, 2010, Mark Zuckerberg was leading a meeting in the Aquarium, one of Facebook's conference rooms, so named because it's in the middle of a huge work space and has glass walls on three sides so everybody can see in. Conference rooms are a big deal at Facebook because they're the only places anybody has any privacy at all, even the bare minimum of privacy the Aquarium gets you. Otherwise the space is open plan: no cubicles, no offices, no walls, just a rolling tundra of office furniture. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's COO, who used to be Lawrence Summers' chief of staff at the Treasury Department, doesn't have an office. Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO and co-founder and presiding visionary, doesn't have an office.
The team was going over the launch of Facebook's revamped Messages service, which had happened the day before and gone off without a hitch or rather without more than the usual number of hitches. Zuckerberg kept the meeting on track, pushing briskly through his points — no notes or whiteboard, just talking with his hands — but the tone was relaxed. Much has been made of Zuckerberg's legendarily awkward social manner, but in a room like this, he's the Silicon Valley equivalent of George Plimpton. He bantered with Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, a director of engineering who ran the project. (Boz was Zuckerberg's instructor in a course on artificial intelligence when they were at Harvard. He says his future boss didn't do very well. Though, in fairness, Zuckerberg did invent Facebook that semester.) Apart from a journalist sitting in the corner, no one in the room looked over 30, and apart from the journalist's public relations escort, it was boys only. (See pictures inside Mark Zuckerberg's inner circle.)
The door opened, and a distinguished-looking gray-haired man burst in — it's the only way to describe his entrance — trailed by a couple of deputies. He was both the oldest person in the room by 20 years and the only one wearing a suit. He was in the building, he explained with the delighted air of a man about to secure ironclad bragging rights forever, and he just had to stop in and introduce himself to Zuckerberg: Robert Mueller, director of the FBI, pleased to meet you.
They shook hands and chatted about nothing for a couple of minutes, and then Mueller left. There was a giddy silence while everybody just looked at one another as if to say, What the hell just happened?
It's a fair question. Almost seven years ago, in February 2004, when Zuckerberg was a 19-year-old sophomore at Harvard, he started a Web service from his dorm. It was called, and it was billed as "an online directory that connects people through social networks at colleges." This year, Facebook — now minus the the — added its 550 millionth member. One out of every dozen people on the planet has a Facebook account. They speak 75 languages and collectively lavish more than 700 billion minutes on Facebook every month. Last month the site accounted for 1 out of 4 American page views. Its membership is currently growing at a rate of about 700,000 people a day. (See a Zuckerberg family photo album.)
What just happened? In less than seven years, Zuckerberg wired together a twelfth of humanity into a single network, thereby creating a social entity almost twice as large as the U.S. If Facebook were a country it would be the third largest, behind only China and India. It started out as a lark, a diversion, but it has turned into something real, something that has changed the way human beings relate to one another on a species-wide scale. We are now running our social lives through a for-profit network that, on paper at least, has made Zuckerberg a billionaire six times over.
Facebook has merged with the social fabric of American life, and not just American but human life: nearly half of all Americans have a Facebook account, but 70% of Facebook users live outside the U.S. It's a permanent fact of our global social reality. We have entered the Facebook age, and Mark Zuckerberg is the man who brought us here. (See pictures of Facebook's overseas offices.)
Zuckerberg is part of the last generation of human beings who will remember life before the Internet, though only just. He was born in 1984 and grew up in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., the son of a dentist — Painless Dr. Z's slogan was, and is, "We cater to cowards." Mark has three sisters, the eldest of whom, Randi, is now Facebook's head of consumer marketing and social-good initiatives. It was a supportive household that produced confident children. The young Mark was "strong-willed and relentless," according to his father Ed. "For some kids, their questions could be answered with a simple yes or no," he says. "For Mark, if he asked for something, yes by itself would work, but no required much more. If you were going to say no to him, you had better be prepared with a strong argument backed by facts, experiences, logic, reasons. We envisioned him becoming a lawyer one day, with a near 100% success rate of convincing juries."
Person of the Year 2010
For connecting more than half a billion people and mapping the social relations among them; for creating a new system of exchanging information; and for changing how we all live our lives, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is TIME's 2010 Person of the Year.
Read more:,28804,2036683_2037183_2037185,00.html #ixzz18FDoArKG

Kosgey ni Mfuasi wa Odinga. Huyu naye ni waziri katika serikali ya Kibaki. Anatoka eneo la Bonde la Ufa anakotoka rais wa zamani Moi. Ninatarajia watu wa huko watachachamaa sana.
Hapa nimalizie kwa kuonesha ni yapi MORENO OCAMPO aliyasema alipokuwa anatangaza majina ya watuhumiwa sita.Huwezi amini, katika kuwakumbusha wale walio na madaraka makubwa Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi na Aliyekuwa IGP wa Kenya nao ni miongoni mwa watuhumiwa. Rais Kibaki na Odinga hawajatuhumiwa.
In Summary
Next steps
The six expected to inform the Pre-Trial Chamber II their readiness to appear before the ICC judges.
The three-judge bench will weigh the merits of Mr Moreno-Ocampo’s application and could reject the request to issue a summons to appear, approve it or transform it into an arrest warrant. The Prosecutor expects this to happen in the first part of 2011.
If the chamber agrees with Mr Moreno-Ocampo’s request, the individuals identified will be expected to go to The Hague to make their initial appearance before the judges.
A public hearing to confirm the charges will be held.
It is at this stage where the judges review the evidence and decide whether it is enough to proceed to trial. The six individuals can be represented by their lawyers. The prosecutor expects this will happen in the second part of 2011 or the beginning of 2012.
The Pre-Trial Chamber II consisting of judges Hans-Peter Kaul, Ekaterina Trendafilova and Cuno Tarfusser will make a decision to confirm the charges and send the case to trial, amend or reject the charges.
Mr Moreno-Ocampo expects that the trial of the six would begin in the second part of 2012 or early 2013.
The names of suspected masterminds of Kenya's post election violence have finally been revealed.
Image Gallery
The six include senior politicians in the Party of National Unity (PNU) and the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), the main parties that battled it out for the presidency in the disputed 2007 elections.
International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said Wednesday that the prominent leaders bore "the greatest responsibility" for the violence that left 1,133 people dead and 650,000 displaced.
Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta, his Industrialisation counterpart Henry Kosgey, Eldoret North MP William Ruto, the head of the civil service Francis Muthaura, former Police Commissioner Hussein Ali and journalist Joshua arap Sang will now receive summons to appear before The Hague- based court.
Mr Moreno-Ocampo was addressing a news conference after presenting before the ICC judges two cases, each involving three individuals.
"The post election period of 2007-2008 was one of the most violent periods of the nation’s history,” said the Prosecutor.
"These were not just crimes against innocent Kenyans," he said.
“They were crimes against humanity as a whole. By breaking the cycle of impunity for massive crimes, victims and their families can have justice. And Kenyans can pave the way to peaceful elections in 2012.”
Mr Moreno Ocampo said he considered Mr Ruto, Mr Kosgey and Mr arap Sang as the "principal planners and organisers of crimes against PNU supporters".
He said Mr Muthaura used his position as the chairman of the National Security Advisory Committee to "authorise the police to use excessive force against ODM supporters and to facilitate attacks against ODM supporters". Major General Ali also faces the same charges.
Mr Kenyatta is accused of mobilising the outlawed sect Mungiki to attack ODM supporters.
Mr Sang used "his radio program to collect supporters and provide signals to members of the plan on when and where to attack," said the Prosecutor.
He said that “perpetrators” cultivated by Mr Ruto, Mr Kosgey and Mr Sang began to execute their plan by attacking PNU supporters immediately after the results were announced.
"On 30-31 December 2007, they began attacks in target locations including Turbo town, the greater Eldoret area (Huruma, Kimumu, Langas, and Yamumbi), Kapsabet town, and Nandi Hills town. They approached each location from all directions, burning down PNU supporters’ homes and businesses, killing civilians, and systematically driving them from their homes.
"On 1 January 2008, the church located on the Kiambaa farm cooperative was attacked and burned with more than hundred people inside. At least 17 people died. The brunt of the attacks continued into the first week of January 2008."
Mr Moreno-Ocampo accused government officials: Mr Kenyatta, Mr Muthaura and Major General Ali of planning and executing well coordinated retaliatory attacks.
"On or about 3 January 2008, KENYATTA, as the focal point between the PNU and the criminal organization the Mungiki, facilitated a meeting with MUTHAURA, a senior Government of Kenya official, and Mungiki leaders to organize retaliatory attacks against civilian supporters of the ODM.
"Thereafter, MUTHAURA, in his capacity as Chairman of the National Security Advisory Committee (“NSAC”), telephoned ALI, his subordinate as head of the Kenya Police, and instructed ALI not to interfere with the movement of pro-PNU youth, including the Mungiki.
"KENYATTA additionally instructed the Mungiki leaders to attend a second meeting on the same day to finalise logistical and financial arrangements for the retaliatory attacks," he said.
The ICC prosecutor said he had no evidence linking President Kibaki or Mr Odinga to the violence.We follow the evidence where it takes us. We are not taking into account political responsibilities ... there are political debates, but it is not my responsibility," Moreno-Ocampo said.
But three of the six suspects immediately protested their innocence led by Mr Kenyatta.
"My record is clear and it remains very clear that I have never committed any crime," Mr Kenyatta told reporters at a press conference.
"The ICC prosecutor has done his work, we wait for the outcome of the judges," he said.
"I now find myself to be a suspect, I am ready to respond to any allegations made against me."
Mr Ruto also countered Mr Moreno-Ocampo's accusations saying he was not surprised to be named.
"The issues I have raised have now come to pass. It did not come as a surprise to me,” Mr Ruto said at a press conference at Parliament Buildings.
“All along I knew that there was a deliberate scheme, hatched and executed by people who were not interested in justice,” he said..
Flanked by scores of MPs, Mr Ruto said he was ready to face Mr Ocampo at the Hague.
“I am ready, willing and available to face the prosecutor with his witnesses in court as and when i am required to do so. My conscience is clear, I neither participated, organised or had anything to do with the violence.
"It is just a question of time and the truth will come out and shame the devil,” he said while declining to answer any questions from reporters.
On his part, Mr Muthaura said he had not done anything to warrant criminal prosecution.
"The suggestion that I have done anything to warrant criminal investigation is manifest nonsense. It amounts to an unwarranted slur on my reputation and is both unfair and unjustified,” Mr Muthaura told a hurriedly convened press conference at his Harambee House office.
“To issue summons for a person to appear, the pre-trial Chamber of the ICC needs to be satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person for whom the summons is requested committed the crime alleged. No such judicial determination has been made. None,” Mr Muthaura added, flanked by government spokesman Dr Alfred Mutua, President Kibaki’s advisor on the constitution Prof Kivutha Kibwana and a Senior Secretary at the cabinet office, Sam Mwale.
“I wait to see what the judiciary of the ICC make of the Prosecutor’s application. Hopefully they will dismiss his application,” he stated.
“In the event that they do decide to issue summons, I will voluntarily attend The Hague and respect any request the judges of the ICC have for me."
The documents he gave the court included the names of the six, the crimes they are alleged to have committed and the penalty that he will be asking for.
A three-judge bench will now evaluate the two 80-page bundles of documents and decide whether he can proceed and file the charges he has identified.
Two weeks ago, Mr Moreno-Ocampo had promised to name the suspects during an address to a meeting of the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation, convened by the Panel of Eminent African Personalities chaired by former UN secretary general Kofi Annan at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Upper Hill, Nairobi.
The prosecutor said the cases had been strengthened by new evidence his team had gathered, in addition to the leads contained in the Waki Commission and Kenya National Commission on Human Rights reports.“Since last March, when the judges issued an authorisation, my office has been investigating post electoral violence. We collected new evidence, including testimonies, videos and documents. We are not going to discuss our evidence in the media. We will do it in court,” he said.He said the Waki Commission and the KNCHR reports were key in the investigations into the post election chaos but they only provided the background on which his team based its inquiries.
He warned that will seek arrest warrants from the Pre-Trial Chamber if the conditions, which range from the suspects frequently informing the ICC judges of their movements to an assurance of not interfering with the witnesses, were flouted.
“These conditions are strict. They are in accordance with the Rome Statute (that established The Hague Court) and ICC rules.
"Let me be clear. If the suspects do not comply with the conditions set by the chamber, I will request arrest warrants. If there is any indication of bribes, intimidation or threats, I will request arrest warrants,” he said in a statement that was issued by the ICC.
Mr Moreno-Ocampo has chosen to seek summons for the six suspects that he will name Wednesday, a move that guarantees them freedom instead of requesting for arrest warrants that will required them to be carted to the holding cells at The Hague.
Once a suspect appears at The Hague following a summon, he or she is granted a bond to allow him to go on with normal life.
“I believe summonses are sufficient to ensure the appearance of all six suspects. But as ICC Prosecutor, I am requesting that clear conditions be imposed on them,” he said.
He listed the conditions are: updating the ICC of of their personal contacts and movements; not to contact other suspects unless through their lawyers in preparation of their defences; not to approach any victims or witness; not to influence or interfere with the testimonies of victims and witnesses; to keep off the investigations and not to engage in other crimes.”
“In addition, they must respond to all requests by ICC judges; they must attend all hearings when required, and post bond if the judges so instruct them,” he said.
The suspects will be required to inform the ICC judges of their readiness to appear a few hours after the announcement of their names


Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura and former Higher Education Minister William Ruto tops list of six Kenyans allegedly most wanted for the 2007 post-election violence, that claimed lives of over 1,200 Kenyans.
Former Police Commissioner Hussein Ali, Minister for Industrialisation Henry Kosgey and a journaist Joshua Sang complete the list of the big six Ocampo wants indicted.
In a swift rejoinder, President Mwai Kibaki called for calm and urged those named not to resign from government until the allegations against them are proven by the court.
The six were named on Wednesday by ICC Chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo in a live televised forum from ICC offices in The Hague, Netherlands.
"I wish to state that the people who have been mentioned have not yet been fully investigated as the pre-trial process in The Hague has only but began. They therefore cannot be judged as guilty until the charges are confirmed by the court," reads Kibaki's satement in part.
Kibaki said calls for action against the named six are prejudicial, preemptive and against the rules of natural justice.
"In the meantime I wish to state that the government is fully committed to the establishment of a local tribunal to deal with those behind the post election violence, in accordance with stipulations of the new constitution," Kibaki said.
The president called for patience sayong security has been beefed up across the country.
He said: "As a nation we must also focus on the need for national healing and reconciliation. This is paramount as we move forward on the path of national peace and unity.I also wish to assure Kenyans that the government has intensified security around the country.The government is providing full support to our security forces to enable them perform their duties of protecting the lives of all citizens and their property."
With the naming political careers are at risk especialyy bearing in mind that the trial process may drag past 2012, the year kenya will hold a general election.
Uhuru kenyatta, akey ally and possible heir of President Kibaki, and William Ruto, have expressed presidential ambitions.
For Raila Odinga too, the naming of Henry Kosgey among the 'wanted' six has dealt a major blow to his hold in Riftvalley. Kosgey has been an astute supporter of Odinga in the Riftvalley, a vote-rich province, especilaly the premier faell ot with Ruto.
Kenyans will definitely be treated to a flurry of political activities as alliances shift and politicians devise new survival tactics ahaed of 2012.
Former Police Commissioner Hussein Ali, Minister for Industrialisation Henry Kosgey and a journaist Joshua Sang complete the list of the big six Ocampo wants indicted.
In a swift rejoinder, President Mwai Kibaki called for calm and urged those named not to resign from government until the allegations against them are proven by the court.
The six were named on Wednesday by ICC Chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo in a live televised forum from ICC offices in The Hague, Netherlands.
"I wish to state that the people who have been mentioned have not yet been fully investigated as the pre-trial process in The Hague has only but began. They therefore cannot be judged as guilty until the charges are confirmed by the court," reads Kibaki's satement in part.
Kibaki said calls for action against the named six are prejudicial, preemptive and against the rules of natural justice.
"In the meantime I wish to state that the government is fully committed to the establishment of a local tribunal to deal with those behind the post election violence, in accordance with stipulations of the new constitution," Kibaki said.
The president called for patience sayong security has been beefed up across the country.
He said: "As a nation we must also focus on the need for national healing and reconciliation. This is paramount as we move forward on the path of national peace and unity.I also wish to assure Kenyans that the government has intensified security around the country.The government is providing full support to our security forces to enable them perform their duties of protecting the lives of all citizens and their property."
With the naming political careers are at risk especialyy bearing in mind that the trial process may drag past 2012, the year kenya will hold a general election.
Uhuru kenyatta, akey ally and possible heir of President Kibaki, and William Ruto, have expressed presidential ambitions.
For Raila Odinga too, the naming of Henry Kosgey among the 'wanted' six has dealt a major blow to his hold in Riftvalley. Kosgey has been an astute supporter of Odinga in the Riftvalley, a vote-rich province, especilaly the premier faell ot with Ruto.
Kenyans will definitely be treated to a flurry of political activities as alliances shift and politicians devise new survival tactics ahaed of 2012.
Monday, December 13, 2010

One of Tanzania’s most colourful musicians, “Dr” Remmy Ongala, has left a legacy that will probably never be matched.
Ongala, who, in his very characteristic style, gave himself the nickname “Sura Mbaya” (the ugly one) in his heyday, was a burly guitarist, composer and singer — a man who struggled against many odds to make a name in Tanzania and beyond.
Ongala, in his 60s, succumbed to a long bout of diabetes and kidney failure on Sunday night, but will remain the “champion of the poor”, inspired by the songs he composed.
At the time of his death, though, he had switched to gospel music and occasionally preached in Dar es Salaam.
Jean Bosco Mwenda
When the music studios in this part of Africa excelled in nurturing talent, we had Kenyans, Ugandans, Zambians and some Congolese playing and recording music together and influencing Congolese music. Names that readily come to mind include Nashil Pichen, Jean Bosco Mwenda (from Katanga), Daudi Kabaka, George Ramogi, Charles Sonko (from Uganda).
But Ongala was among the musicians from Eastern Congo, who journeyed east in search of greener pastures from the early 1970s. He was in the league that made up the famous Orchestra Makassy, a band that shook Dar es Salaam in the 1970s into the 1980s.
The group was led by Mzee Makassy who brought Ongala to Dar es Salaam.
Speaking to the Nation yesterday, veteran musician Tshimanga Assosa said Ongala was in the forefront of guitar work and vocals in the band.
“He was very inspiring to all of us who had the chance to interact with him,” he said.
Similarly Orchestra Marquis members, including their leader King Kiki, who is still active in Dar es Salaam, leading is own group, La Capitale, Wazee Sugu, were adept at composing and singing in Kiswahili.
But Ongala excelled in Kiswahili lyrics, penning the hit song, ‘Kifo’ (Death), which announced his entry in music in this region. His other popular songs include ‘Mnyonge Hana Haki’ and ‘Marram’.
Among the Congolese musicians in Tanzania, it was Ongala’s Orchestra Super Matimila that incorporated Tanzanians and composed mainly in Kiswahili.
Ongala’s lowest moment in his career was when he had to fight hard to remain in Tanzania after he was declared a foreigner. He fought hard to get an official reprieve, and after the bid to deport him was reversed, Ongala continued to record music.
Most Tanzanian radio stations yesterday morning paid tribute to him with one inevitably started with the presenter playing ‘Kifo’.
Ongala may be finally dead, but the Sura Mbaya will live on for ages in the minds of many people in East and Central Africa, including his original homeland, DRC
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010

Leaked US diplomatic memos sent to Washington say Kenyan politicians have a weak backbone, always bending to international pressure.
The memos which reflect diplomats’ candid views on their host nations, shows America’s hand in key decisions made by President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
Cables on other African countries had a lot to say about the leaders and their leadership. We sample some of them:
President Yoweri Museveni: Uganda
The US diplomat in Uganda describes President Museveni as autocratic and warns of violence if the February 2011 presidential elections will not be free and fair.
A diplomatic cable accuses Mr Museveni of protecting corrupt ministers but commends him for his support of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.
“But the President’s autocratic tendencies, as well as Uganda’s pervasive corruption, sharpening ethnic divisions, and explosive population growth are eroding Uganda’s status as an African success story,” says the brief by ambassador Jerry Lanier.
The cable also depicts a president living in constant fear of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. At one time, Mr Museveni requested US protection for fear that the Libyan leader would shoot down his plane. The two leaders have disagreed over the political and economic future of Africa.
While President Gaddafi has been at the forefront campaigning for a United States of Africa, his Ugandan counterpart thinks otherwise, the cables say. President Museveni said he and former South African leader Thabo Mbeki, whom he blames for not offering an alternative to Libya’s approach, were then working together to counter the union proposal.
A cable written on June 18, 2008 discloses it was after a meeting five days earlier between President Museveni and former US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer that the Ugandan leader expressed growing tensions with the Arab state and fears for his life.
Arising out of their conflicting standpoints on the political unity of Africa, President Museveni feared an attack on his aircraft on President Gaddafi’s instructions. “(President) Museveni noted that tensions with Gaddafi are growing as a result, and he worries that Gaddafi will attack his plane while flying over international airspace.
“Museveni requested that the US and Uganda governments co-ordinate to provide additional air radar information when he flies over international airspace,” the June 18 cable states.
President Jacob Zuma: South Africa
The US considers South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma, a smart politician who has weathered many storms.
A cable by a US ambassador in South Africa, says Mr Mr Zuma used several tactics of political survival that give clues to his personality and leadership style. According to the diplomat, Mr Zuma is a highly persuasive, clever strategist, grassroots mobiliser who knows when to play victim for political gain.
A US diplomatic memo says that Mr Zuma’s rise to the pinnacle of South African politics at the same time that serious questions about his character were headline news “is an astonishing political achievement in itself.”
The diplomat observed that despite former President Thabo Mbeki’s intellect and experience as well as his apparent success as a leader, politician, and diplomat, Mr Zuma out-maneuvered him by manipulating the party base and portraying himself as the victim using the ANC image-making machinery.
“Pundits thought Mbeki was the smartest and most effective political leader of his generation, but on December 17, 2007 the ANC declared Mr Zuma the clear favourite, beginning Mr Mbeki’s surprising slide into political obscurity.”
And the US is optimistic about Mr Zuma’s success as President. “With a relatively weak opposition but respected courts and activist civil society, there is optimism that a Zuma administration will, at worst, muddle through,” says the cable.
His supporters’ adoration only grew as his detractors characterised him as an unlettered and corrupt buffoon surrounded by crass and intimidating socialist.
Throughout the political crisis he faced after President Mbeki fired him as VP, Mr Zuma focused on his oft-repeated assertion that he was innocent and that he was the victim of a systematic abuse of power.
Hosni Mubarak: Egypt
US diplomatic memos on Egypt describe President Mubarak as an “indispensable ally” in the Arab World and supporter of a united Sudan. It says that at 81 years, Mr Mubarak is old but in reasonably good health.
However, the most notable problem is a “hearing deficit in his left ear.” According to the cable, the Egyptian leader responds well to respect for position, but is not swayed by personal flattery. “Mr Mubarak peppers his observations with anecdotes that demonstrate both his long experience and his sense of humour.”
However, the death of his grandson Mohammad affected him deeply and dampened his spirits. The brief says that if Mubarak is still alive it is likely he will run next year’s general elections again, and, inevitably, win.
“Despite incessant whispered discussions, no one in Egypt has any certainty about who will eventually succeed Mr Mubarak nor under what circumstances. He seems to be trusting God and the ubiquitous military and civilian security services to ensure an orderly transition.”
The Egyptian leader is also a firm supporter of unity of the Sudan which is scheduled to hold a referendum next month, says the cable. “Egypt views the stability and unity of Sudan as essential to its national security because of concern over its access to Nile waters and the potential for increased Sudanese refugee flow.”
The memo says that Egypt has been using development assistance in South Sudan to encourage unity. “But the Egyptians are jealous and sensitive to the Qatari foray into resolving Darfur, a crisis squarely in Egypt’s backyard.”
President Robert Mugabe: Zimbabwe
To the US, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is physically frail but intellectually alert.
A US diplomatic cable describes Mr Mugabe as a ruthless dictator but brilliant tactician with a lopsided sense of economics despite his many degrees.
“He is fixated on land reform and sanctions, and is almost trance-like (monologue, soft voice) in discussing these subjects,” wrote a US diplomat after meeting him at his Harare office.
“He is generally alert and can keep up with a conversation. But physically, Mr Mugabe is frail,” observes the diplomat.
“He appears uncomfortable when seated -- he slouches and frequently turns his body as if to find a better position, and then sits straight up and speaks in a louder voice for a few seconds before lapsing back into the barely audible soft voice.”
The ambassador relays Mr Mugabe’s consisted calls for the West to keep off Zimbabwe’s affairs. Says Mr Mugabe in a cable:
“The countries of Europe and America want to dictate which way our politics should go and they talk about regime change. They want us to go down on our knees and beg. One day we should think about fighting them in the international courts.”
His supporters’ adoration only grew as his detractors characterised him as an unlettered and corrupt buffoon surrounded by crass and intimidating socialist.
Throughout the political crisis he faced after President Mbeki fired him as VP, Mr Zuma focused on his oft-repeated assertion that he was innocent and that he was the victim of a systematic abuse of power.
Hosni Mubarak: Egypt
US diplomatic memos on Egypt describe President Mubarak as an “indispensable ally” in the Arab World and supporter of a united Sudan. It says that at 81 years, Mr Mubarak is old but in reasonably good health.
However, the most notable problem is a “hearing deficit in his left ear.” According to the cable, the Egyptian leader responds well to respect for position, but is not swayed by personal flattery. “Mr Mubarak peppers his observations with anecdotes that demonstrate both his long experience and his sense of humour.”
However, the death of his grandson Mohammad affected him deeply and dampened his spirits. The brief says that if Mubarak is still alive it is likely he will run next year’s general elections again, and, inevitably, win.
“Despite incessant whispered discussions, no one in Egypt has any certainty about who will eventually succeed Mr Mubarak nor under what circumstances. He seems to be trusting God and the ubiquitous military and civilian security services to ensure an orderly transition.”
The Egyptian leader is also a firm supporter of unity of the Sudan which is scheduled to hold a referendum next month, says the cable. “Egypt views the stability and unity of Sudan as essential to its national security because of concern over its access to Nile waters and the potential for increased Sudanese refugee flow.”
The memo says that Egypt has been using development assistance in South Sudan to encourage unity. “But the Egyptians are jealous and sensitive to the Qatari foray into resolving Darfur, a crisis squarely in Egypt’s backyard.”
President Robert Mugabe: Zimbabwe
To the US, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is physically frail but intellectually alert.
A US diplomatic cable describes Mr Mugabe as a ruthless dictator but brilliant tactician with a lopsided sense of economics despite his many degrees.
“He is fixated on land reform and sanctions, and is almost trance-like (monologue, soft voice) in discussing these subjects,” wrote a US diplomat after meeting him at his Harare office.
“He is generally alert and can keep up with a conversation. But physically, Mr Mugabe is frail,” observes the diplomat.
“He appears uncomfortable when seated -- he slouches and frequently turns his body as if to find a better position, and then sits straight up and speaks in a louder voice for a few seconds before lapsing back into the barely audible soft voice.”
The ambassador relays Mr Mugabe’s consisted calls for the West to keep off Zimbabwe’s affairs. Says Mr Mugabe in a cable:
“The countries of Europe and America want to dictate which way our politics should go and they talk about regime change. They want us to go down on our knees and beg. One day we should think about fighting them in the international courts.”
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